Wednesday, 26 December 2007


The turkey is eaten, the gifts are unwrapped. Whether your family and relative have left or not, take some time to browse through our Sale!

Everything in store with at least 50% discount!

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

In Retrospect

December is an emotionally charged month. It's a month of dreams and anticipation, but also of stress and maybe even loss. But the last month of the year, is not only about Christmas and the running up to it, it's also about looking back, recapping the year. Remembering the good things, learning from the bad.

The other day I started rumbling through the Christmas decorations. All of a sudden my little girl said: "See snow!". She pointed at the snow globe I bought for her last year and I was really touched by the fact that she remembered it from last Christmas, she was only 1 1/2 years old then! It made me think about last year, my hopes and anticipations for this year.

I also remember my first collection of Tea. I still especially adore their Fall collection from 2006. We still have some items left.

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Getting in the Mood

I am definitely starting to get in the mood for the Christmas season. The Lego Calendar (below) was a real hit with the children this morning. We are celebrating our first Christmas in Edinburgh this year and I am truly looking forward to it. Family and friends are coming here and this year I am really going for it, both food wise and with the decor. I am still not sure what the end result will look like, but I have started to stock up. And tomorrow, the first items are going up!

To help you get in a Christmas mood, we have 25% off all our winter stock.